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About the company


PASCAL MEDICAL LTD was registered on December 23, 2014. The company got a resident status of the Dubna's Special Economic Zone (SEZ), the agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation was signed on that. The production is equipped with modern production facilities of European equipment manufacturers, advanced technologies are applied to ensure the optimal cost of the final product due to significant savings in raw materials, durability and high reliability of the equipment.

Our production is a full-cycle one, including our own sterilization and our own production of medical needles. These factors make it possible to produce medical devices that meet all the requirements of national and international standards for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). This statement is due to the fact that a highly qualified specialists team is working in this industry, they are able to develop, implement and ensure an implementation of the necessary program.

In contrast to the quality control procedure that provides a suitability of sample items for use (and, possibly, batches made in the near time to this batch), the GMP standard reflects a holistic approach, regulates and evaluates actual parameters of production and laboratory testing.

In contrast to the quality control procedure that guarantees a suitability of sample items for use (and, possibly, batches made in the near time to this batch), the GMP standard reflects a holistic approach, regulates and evaluates actual parameters of production and laboratory testing. The high quality guarantees an implementation of design decisions, strictly within the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). The quality assurance system of our production is aimed at preventing errors and deviations by considering all factors contributing that impact on the quality of finished products from the very beginning (from initial control of raw materials and components, internal production control and control of finished products) until the end of the production cycle.

This system permits to product outputs of uniform quality, both within each produced batch and among batches, providing a constant consistency. The quality control of incoming raw materials, components and finished products is carried out using the most advanced analytical equipment. The testing laboratories of our company carry out more than 100 types of tests every shift.