Main News The general manager of Pascal Medical Burnatseva A.T. became a member of the Council of MTC of the MR

The general manager of Pascal Medical Burnatseva A.T. became a member of the Council of MTC of the MR

27.05.2019 13:57

The general manager of «Pascal Medical» Burnatseva Albina Taimurazovna became a member of the Council of Medical Technical Cluster (MTC) of the Moscow region.

Medical and Technical Cluster of Moscow region (MTC MR) was created on September 29, 2016 for maintain and strength the leading position of the medical industry of the Moscow Region in the Russian Federation, and also to improve a medical devices quality and a competitiveness of participants in the medical device markets through the development of scientific, technical and industrial cooperation, formation of general policies and state support programs and training of specialists, a formation of the state order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region and of the Russian Federation, the creation of a specialized structure, cooperation in promoting products to Russian and foreign markets.

At present, the medical industry of the Moscow region occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation in terms of the volume of production of medical devices, the number of investment projects and the total number of medical devices being manufactured. This was supported by federal and regional industrial development programs.

Already in the Medical and Technical Cluster of the Moscow Region, as participants, there are 39 organizations engaged in the production, development, supply of medical devices and technological services.

Генеральный директор «Паскаль Медикал» Бурнацева Альбина Таймуразовна